Who is Natar?
We also produce and distribute as private labels the highest quality “Super Premium” holistic food for dogs and cats. Our work, our utmost dedication and research are aimed at the health and well-being of dogs and cats . For our products, we use human grade, hypolargenic and grain free ingredients !
First choice products: our mission
Immunitary defense
Immune Defenses: food formulated with essential nutrients to promote growth or maintain health.
Grain free
Grain Free: food formulated for intolerances, free of traditional cereals which promotes nutrition in case of intolerances
Hipo allergenic
Hypoallergenic: food formulated for intolerances to traditional meats and some varieties of cereals such as corn and barley.
No GMOs: foods produced exclusively with natural raw materials, without the use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Made in Italy
Made in Italy: product formulated and manufactured in our Italian laboratories
Ideal weight
Grain Free: food formulated for intolerances, free of traditional cereals which promotes nutrition in case of intolerances
Cruelty free
Cruelty Free: foods formulated, produced and tested according to standards that respect the health and life of animals
No chemicals
No Chemical Products: food formulated without the addition of chemicals and additives that alter the organoleptic characteristics, taste and yield of the final product
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